The ARIADNA journal is a academic journal which is published yearly by the Senior Citizens' University, covering mainly following topics related to the elderly / senior citizens:
- Educational gerontology, andragogy
- Impact, benefits and potentialities of education
- Technological tools applied to seniors' education
- Usability and e-inclusion, use of new technologies
- Society and integration, participation of senior citizens
- Ambient, assistive and adaptative technolgoy
We aim to present original research, projects, practical works and cultural and social research related on the elderly and education to provide useful knowledge for the academia, associations, companies, decision-makers and general public.
Everybody is invited to submit papers for this journal (check the Authors and Submissions section), but papers will be always peer-reviewed by the editorial and scientific board. Each issue can focus on a specific topic, check this on the Authors and Submissions section.
ISSN: 2340-7719
Editorial and advisory board
- Director
- Salvador Cabedo Manuel. Universitat Jaume I. Spain.
- Editor-in-Chief
- Pilar Escuder-Mollon. Universitat Jaume I. Spain.
- Managing Editor
- Roger Esteller-Curto. Universitat Jaume I. Spain.
- Editorial Board
- Rosario Vidal Nadal. Universitat Jaume I. Spain.
- Raquel Flores Buils. Universitat Jaume I. Spain.
- Vicent Querol Vicente. Universitat Jaume I. Spain
- Luis Ochoa Siguencia. Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa. Poland.
- Head of the Advisory Board
- Raul Marín. Universitat Jaume I. Spain.
- Advisory Board
- Ad Hofstede. Erasmus University Rotterdam. Netherlands
- Rosa Ana Clemente Esteban. Universitat Jaume I. Spain
- Erik Selecky. University of Zvolen. Slovakia
- Velta Lubkina. Personality Socialization research institute, Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Latvia
- Markus Marquard. University of Ulm. Germany
- Andreas M. Botsikas. National Technical University of Athens, Greece
- Design
- Salvador García Gil. Universitat Jaume I. Spain
- Publisher
- Universitat per a Majors - Senior citizens’ university
- Servei de Comunicacions i Publicacions Universitat Jaume I Castellón
- Address
- Universitat per a Majors
- Universitat Jaume I
- Av. Vicent Sos Baynat, s/n
- 12071 Castellón. Spain
- License
- The texts published in this journal, unless otherwise indicated, are subject to a Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-NoDerivativeWorks 3.0 Unported licence. They may be copied, distributed and broadcast provided that the author and the e-journal that publishes them are cited. Commercial use and derivative works are not permitted. The full licence can be consulted on