Issue 3, July 2016
This issue includes the most relevant papers that were presented to the 4th International Conference on the elderly and new technologies. This conference was held in the city of Castellón on May 2015.
- Tecnología en movimiento
- Salvador Cabedo
- Adult Brain: Game of Metaphors for Understanding the Internet
- Lorena Bort-Mir
- Competencias geoespaciales para la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores: el proyecto OUTDOOR ICT
- José Jesús Delgado Peña
- éBRICKhouse de équipe VIA-UJI y el concepto DIY
- Teresa Gallego Navarro
- Innovative and Technology-Enhanced Learning Approaches for Older Adults
- Sonia Hetzner, Eline Leen
- Off-the-shelf Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Devices Utilised in a Low Activity Detection Service
- Tim D. Hunt, Dileep Rajendran, Mark Nikora, Susan Bennett, Andy Fendall
- EHLSSA: Europe-Wide Online Learning for Seniors
- Anne-Marie Lipphardt, Anna Slyschak
- Expression of Physical Activity in the Elderly: Lithuanian Case
- Victoria Piscalkiene
- Motivation for Pursuing Further Education amongst Adult Learners
- Nasreen Rustomfram, Vibha Singh
- Influencia de los programas universitarios para mayores sobre la mejora del rendimiento cognitivo
- Cristina Vilaplana Prieto